Friday, April 14, 2017

What do you own, in the land of FICTION=NOTHING

What do you own in the land of FICTION=NOTHING!!!
Dead idea's, given life{The Dead}
 FICTIONAL {Witchcraft} - WORLD
Legal Law

Do i, "own"? and who, is the "owner"?

NAME? NO, you do not own the name, its not yours, the CROWN owns it.  It is fraud if you use the NAME.
PERSON? you HAVE a PERSON, but you are NOT, the PERSON.
CITIZEN? NO, you are not a CITIZEN, unless you want to be a dead fiction.
RESIDENT? NO, you are not a RESIDENT, unless you want to be a dead fiction.
TENENT? NO, you are not a TENENT, unless you want to be a dead fiction.
BILL-STATEMENT? NO, its not yours.
CAR? NO, its not yours, even if you have a licence.
HOUSE?  NO, its not yours.  You used MONEY to buy the HOUSE, the same MONEY  that was not created by you, which you do not own, is not yours, so who's HOUSE is it?, its there for your use? you do not own money, so how can you pay money.
LICENCE? NO, its not yours.
COMMERCE? NO, it's not your Commercial system.
MONEY? NO, its not yours.
FINANCE? NO, it's not your Financial system.
CURRENCY? NO, it's not your Currency system.
A TITLE? it's not yours.  You used MONEY to buy the TITLE, the same MONEY  that was not created by you, which you do not own, is not yours, so who's TITLE is it?

LEGAL LAW? it's not yours.  It has nothing to do with you, but if you wish to use that legal system, then you have wished, what you want to happen to yourself, by entering into their jurisdiction.  You can be part of that or not.  It's a choice, either your jurisdiction, knowing who you are or their jurisdiction, by not knowing who you are.
BOAT?  NO, its not yours.  You used MONEY to buy the BOAT, the same MONEY  that was not created by you, which you do not own, is not yours, so who's BOAT is it?
TELEVISION? NO, its not yours.  You used MONEY to buy the television, the same MONEY  that was not created by you, which you do not own, is not yours, so who's television is it?
RENTING? NO, that is part ownership, and the owner is liable, not you, but you can claim to be if you want too, that is your free will choice.  YOU do not own anything, so how can you rent anything, which is not yours to own.  To rent something, don't you have to own the property first.
The creator doesn't necessarily mean the owner, as the owner doesn't necessarily mean the creator.

The legal system is errelevant to the living.  It's a dead concept, for the dead, to act in, anything legal is dead.
Legal stuff is not lawful stuff as lawful stuff is not legal stuff.
1, creator is before 2, created or is 2, created before 1, creator.

1st-A {own}
2nd-B {pay}
To own {A}, you then pay {B}.  If you do not own {A}, how can you pay {B}.  You cannot own {B} and pay {A}, that doesn't work.

You cannot rent, you just use stuff {USUFRUCT}, unless you create it, then you become owner of your creation, but its still not really yours, you just borrowed-{added} to the universal creation, part owner of creation, you cannot create what already exists in the universe, only in part.  Fictional or living, its still from 1-one-universal.

RELIGIONS? NO, they are not yours, their is no other GODS, but, the gods within, ones-god-{creator-1-one, i-am, you-are, we-are-1}.
Anything in the FICTIONAL WORLD you think you own, then think again.  You presume you own it, but you don't.

Then you don't own anything, MONEY, BILLS-STATEMENTS-MORTGAGES, CARS, HOUSES, and so on.....then how do you pay?  YOU DON'T and YOU HAVEN'T payed for anything, in your life, its not yours, and never has been, you have been fooled into believing what you pay, is yours, but did you create that? NO, so how can you pay anything from yourself, you can't.  Whoever creates the Money is the owner, the ones who use it are owners-renting, but you have been put into owning something you didn't create yourself, by renting,
making you believe something that isn't yours.  You step into FRAUD by using THEIR NAME-CROWN COPYRIGHTED
Anything registered, is registered away from the original owner, by deceit, by voluntary kidnapping.

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