Friday, April 14, 2017

Paper doesn't talk, only YOU do - Metaphor or an analagy of the legal sytemn

Metaphor or an analagy of the legal sytemn
If you write a document on paper, is that document talking to you that's is a dead document, writing.

Paper cannot talk to you, but if you read it, then, can it then talk to you YES! how can it, the writing only comes alive, through you thinking and talking out loud, to it, about it.  If someone calls you, by what you are known as, you can hear that call, but can a piece of paper hear the call, can it really hear, can paper call out too? NO!, what can paper do, apart from the most important things are, is, that it cannot move, (strange), not talk (even more stranger), not see (wow, this is incredible), not touch (it can't, i thought it could), not smell (poor thing), its a very good piece of paper it does a lot of things, or not.  It becomes believable if you give it belief.  A Bill is a belief, everything is a belief, outside of yourself, only you know that.  A belief is as powerful if you start believing in it.  What you say, or do is powerful.  You, for some strange reason can tear that piece of paper up, and even send it back, return to sender, that is remarkable.

But most people find that hard to do.  Who created paper to tell another what to do, lets start with rocks now, (oh, we did, long time ago, sorry).

What about the next step, the great biscuit system, we could believe in biscuits telling us what to do next, what a great system, wow.  Whose in charge, the biscuit or you? i better stop, the legal system will take the hint, and use the biscuits.  A legal Biscuit system.  If you get married to a biscuit system, you have got married to the biscuit, and not to the real life man or woman, and you have chosen to have biscuit children.

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