Friday, April 14, 2017

Concepts, things, ideas and Legal theories, written on paper, words to identify by

Concepts, things, ideas and Legal theories, written on paper, words to identify by.

What is=isn't
What isn't=is

Legal law, Legally existing, which means you are Dead in law, you become an(Artificial/Fictional Entity).  Illegally outside of the Legal Law, means you are private/living-flesh and blood/spirit/soul/consciousness, an outlaw, outside of the legal law (lawful).

You have property (you have), but if you partake in the Legal law System, you have nothing, you only rent it (you have not).

Rights of "Persons"
Rights of "Things"

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
life/private/living-flesh and blood/spirit/soul/consciousness

You use things that don't belong to you, what do you expect the outcome to be, if you never had permission to use something in the first place, can you just expect to use it without their not being any consequences at all, if you don't pay, then that is theft.
You are private, stop giving information, (the devil is in the detail) away to the public entity (which they have turned themselves into fictional things).  They are strangers acting as being private, but while, still being public.

People can, use their 5 senses to see you, to hear you, to feel you, to touch you and to taste you in front of them, any one of these 5 senses has identified you to them, you don't give any information, (the devil is in the detail), (Data) out to noone, you are private, so why are you acting as, you want to be noticed to everyone in the public arena, (which they have turned themselves into fictional things).

That's were all the idol worshipers,(Idolatry) stand.  I'll quote this again  "Thou shall have no other gods before me".

To identity who you are, truthfully, can you do that.  You are part of the all that is, and all that will ever be, that's it.  You can decide what you choose to be at any one given time.  You are everything that is.

It's their system of created things, not yours.  And you tell them to do what you want, by using their things, how is that going to work.

How can you give authority to something that doesn't belong to you, in any system.  Did you create it? then walk away from it, live life away from it, or be part of it, there's only two choices.

To contract with it, which attaches everything else that you can't imagine, or just say no more, then life will begin.  You don't need to try to control it, you can't, control it, cos it's all their's, it's not your system.  Trying to win, or get one over in a system not controlled by you is just an illusion.

To come out of the system, fast or slowly, stop giving it your life energy.

In the system, we are controlled by words on paper, words, words, and the men who enforce them words on paper, (paper men, things) by their so called, authority, by force, cos they go by the word of paper god.  A word starts with each separate letter, how powerful.  A letter is just a small part of the word, change the letter in the word, a different outcome in the word, that original word has gone.

Paper god, power, has such a controlling power over a man.

Paper god, things controlling man or man controlling paper god, things, who are the real insane ones?
A man bowing down to a paper god, with such paper power of its own.  Someone must be insane. Who is the real god?

Public acting as private
Police, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto) No Law
Schools, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto) No Law
Military, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto) No Law
Federal Governments, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto) No Law
these are all public, acting as private.

Practices of Deceitful Concepts
Religions are a collection of cultural systems, belief systems.

you may not do these things, these are practices.  There are consequence to these practices.
Legal System is Unlawful
Democracy is Unlawful
Legal                                  Illegal
Unlawful                            Lawful
Illegitimate                        Legitimate
Legal <<<-----        Mirror image        ----->>> Lawful
Proclaimed legally insane: you enter the Kingdom of God.
you become illegal, lawful and Legitimate.
Illegal, out of the Legal System you enter into the Kingdom of God.
Lawful, you enter into the Kingdom Of God.
Legitimate, you are the law of God.  Authority.
Rage is a madness, insane.

Creations, within the Artificial/Fictional, Legal Law

What do you know?
Who, What, Why, When
What are you?
Why are you here?
Where did you come from?
Where are you?
What does Assumption mean?
What does Presumption? mean?
What is a Slave?
Who created Slavery?
What is Voluntary Servitude?
Who created Voluntary Servitude?
What is a Corporation?
Who created a Corporation?
What are the types of different Corporations called?
How many types of Corporations are there?
Where did the World come from?
Who created the World?
What is a Country?
Who created the Country?
What is a Constitution?
Who created the Constitution?
What is a Birth Certificate?
Who created the Birth Certificate?
What is a Copyright?
Who created a Copyright?
What is a Trademark?
Who created the Trademark?
What is a Legal Name?
Who created the Legal Name?
What is a Citizen?
Who created the Citizen?
What is a Person?
Who created the Person?
What is a Patriarch?
Who created the Patriarch?
What is the Statutes of Mortmain?
Who created the Statutes of Mortmain?
What is the Magna Catra?
Who created the Magna Carta?
What is Habeas Corpus?
Who created Habeas Corpus?
What is Parens Patriae?
Who created Parens Partriae?
What is a Federal Child?
Who created a Federal Child?
What is life/Private/spirit/consciousness?
Where did life/Private/spirit/consciousness come from?
What is Evolution?
Who created the Evolution?
Is Evolution true?
What is a Theory?
Where did a Theory come from?
Is a Theory true?
What is Quantum theory?
Is Quantum Theory true?
What is a Government?
What is a Federal Government?
What is the difference between a Government and a Federal Government?
What is a Shadow Government?
What is Money?
Who created the Money?
What is an Owner?
Who created the Owner?
What is Property?
Who created the Property?
What is Law?
Who created the Law?
What is Civil Law?
Who created Civil Law?
What are Civil Rights?
Who created Civil Rights?
What is Defacto?
What is Dejure?
What is a Local Council?
Who created Local Councils?
What is a City Council?
Who created City Councils?
What is an Education?
Who created an Education?
What is a Religion?
Who created a Religion?
What is a Statute?
Who created the Statute?
What is a Legal Act?
Who created the Legal Act?
What is the Legal Law?
Who created the Legal Law?
What is Roman Law?
Who created Roman Law?
Would you be able to know that all your life has been for nothing? Who are you?
What is Lawful? good or bad.
What is Unlawful? good or bad.
What is Illegitimate? good or bad.
What is Legitimate? good or bad.
What is a God?
What is God?
Do you know who God is?
Do you know what you are doing?
Do you know what you are involved in?
All you know is what you have been trained to know.

How much do you truthfully know?
with a Legal Name-To Be
If i signed a Contract within the Legal System, is that Lawful (Legitimate) or Unlawful (Illegitimate) to do?

Without a Legal Name-Or Not To Be
Can i sign a Contract without a Legal Name, in the Legal System, Yes/No, why?

Who are you, you cannot be someone else's things, unless you choose to be someone else's things.  In or Out, Out or In.

Within the Legal Law System
a Name is a thing, a Person is a thing,  Paper is a thing, etc.
Animating force, spirit.
Inanimate force, body without spirit is dead, void of life.
To lead by example-man/woman, with private/spirit/soul/consciousness in charge of there own life.

Knowing who you are.

Knowing who you are not.

To be lead by example-children/man/woman, without spirit/soul/consciousness, controlling peoples lives, i.e Police, Military Servant of self.

Believing who you are.
Believing who you are not.
The police/military are just the children of their own society.
 Self governing (Lawful) private
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me -

other gods
Vain things

- Control and Monitoring -

Man, playing the role of God of the dead

Man, without spirit, eating from the tree of good and evil

Your enemy
Voting is (Giving aid and comfort to the enemy) Treasonous act

YOU have broken the law

- Whore of Babylon -

Legal Law is (Unlawful), and a crime, you are guilty if youcommit a crime

All man-made Laws are Unlawful

Persons and Things
  "Defacto", (in fact, only)
 The created-(2), not the creator-(1)
Legal-hence Unlawful, illegitimate and criminal
Whore of Babylon
Dead words - PAPER
Whore of Babylon, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Crown Copyright,
Copyrights, (Corporate Policy)
Trademarks, (Corporate Policy)
Legal Name, (Chattel) (Corporate Policy) (Artificial/Fictional)
Person, (Corporate Policy) (Artificial/Fictional)
Strawman, (Artificial/Fictional)
Patents, (Corporate Policy)
Hospitals (Wards ) (Corporate Policy) (Uniforms)
Diseases, (Corporate Policy)
Injections/Vaccines, (Corporate Policy)
Genocide, (Corporate Policy)
Birth Certificate,
Federal Child,
Personhood, (Corporate Policy)
Contracts, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Schools, (Registrations) (Corporate Policy)
Teachers, (Corporate Policy)
Education, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitution)
Employed, (Corporate Policy)
Work, Worker, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Jobs, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Occupation, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Male Prostitutes, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Profession, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Whore, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Harlot, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Long-Term Contract, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Rich Clients, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Traveling, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Sexual Relations, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Practice, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Private Practice, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Statutes of Mortmain,
Mortmain, (Mortua Manu) (Dead Hand) (Dead persons in law)
Legal System, (Unjust, Unlawful, Iniquity)
Legal law (Artificial-Fictional) (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Legal Act, (Corporate Policy)
Enemy Of The State, (Policy)
Western Roman Empire,
Holy Roman Empire,
Rome Law, (Guilty till proven innocent)
Russian Empire,
Russian Empire Census,
Magna Carta, (Corporate)
Habeas Corpus, (Corporate)
Human Rights, (Corporate Policy)
Traffic Laws, (Corporate Policy)
Gun Laws, (Corporate Policy)
Bylaws, (Corporate Policy)
Governance rules, (Corporate Policy)
Civil Law,
Civil Rights, (Policy)
Charters, (Policy)
Cannon Law,
Color of law, (Corporate Policy)
Codified body of law, (Corporate Policy)
Romans, (Uniforms) Military
Nazi's, (Uniforms) Military
Officer's, (Corporate Policy) (Uniforms) (Defacto)
Police, (Corporate Policy) (Uniforms) (Para military) (Defacto)
Death Row, (Corporate Policy) (Artificial/Fictional) (Defacto)
Police Science, (Corporate Policy) (Theory)
(1) Law (2) Enforcement, (Corporate Policy) (Oxymoron)
Majors, (Uniforms)
Army's, (Military) (Wards) (Corporate Policy) (Uniforms) (Defacto)

Navy's, (Marines) (Corporate Policy) (Uniforms) (Defacto)
Address,  (Corporate Policy)
World,(Corporate Policy)
Charity's, (Corporate Policy)
Injure-Injury, (Corporate Policy)
Paper Constitution,
Constitutional law, (State, Executive, Legislature, Judiciary)
Customary law,
Statutory law,
Judge-made law,
International rules and norms,
Devils advocate,
Israel, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
God, (God of the dead, You-in Legal land)
Acting, (Corporate Policy)
Ethnic Cleansing, (Corporate Policy)
Human trafficking, (Corporate Policy)
Human resources, (Corporate Policy)
Chemtrails, (Corporate Policy)
Evolution, (Theory) (no end product) (no species)
Ponzi schemes,
Jesus, Christ, (Literal reading)
Confidence tricks,
Male/Female, (Corporate Policy)
Commonwealth, (Corporate Policy)
Bankrupty, (Corporate Policy)
Police Citation, (Corporate Policy) (Legal, hence Unlawful)
Employment Law, (Corporate Policy)
Health & Safety, (Corporate Policy)
Compliance, (Corporate Policy)
Marriage, (Licence) (Marriage to the State and Church)
Social Workers, (Corporate Policy)
Quantum theory, (theory)
Registrations, (Corporate Policy)
Fluoride, (Corporate Policy)
Indoctrinations, (Policy)
Voluntary Servitude,
Tetra Waves,
Technology in Houses, (Control and Monitoring)
Sciences, (Controlled)
Media, (Controlled)
Energy, (Controlled)
Smart Meters, Control And Monitoring
Mobile Phones/Cell Phone, Control and Monitoring
CCTV, (Watching, spying) Control and Monitoring
Security Camara's, (Watching, spying) Control and Monitoring
Land Registry,
Date, Time,
Anno Domini,
Mortgages, (Death Pledge)
Common Law, (Traditions, Customs of the people)
Executive Management,
Aggregate Corporation, may take goods and chattel
Ecclesiastical Corporations, has no soul
Eleemosynary Corporations, has no soul
Civil Corporations, has no soul
Corporations, (Personhood), has no soul
Corporate Law, has no soul
Corporate liability protection, has no soul
Corporations, LLCs, has no soul
Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships, has no soul
Corporation's, (Personhood) has no soul
Close Corporation, (Close Corporation Status, 30-35 persons)
Smaller Corporation, has no soul
Standard Corporations, has no soul
Secretary, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
Congress, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
CIA, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
FBI, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
NASA, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
NATO, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
IMF, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
World Bank, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
European Union, (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
Treaty's, (Corporate Policy)
Businesses, (Corporate Policy)
Psychiatrists, (Corporate Policy)
Franchises, (Corporate Policy)
Company's, (Corporate Policy)
Unions, (Corporate Policy)
Special Interests,
Invisible Body,
Common Seal,
Chancellor, (Corporate Policy)
Treasurer, (Corporate Policy)
Chief Justice, (Corporate Policy)
Bailiffs, (Corporate Policy)
Defendant, (Guilty)
BAR, (use of all names on the birth certificates)
Foreign Agents,
Magistrates, (Corporate Policy)
Administrators, (Corporate Policy)
International Judges, (Corporate Policy)
International Courts, (Corporate Policy)
Clerk's, (Corporate Policy)
Judge's, (Corporate Policy)
Attorneys, (Corporate Policy)
Lawyers, (Corporate Policy)
Barristers, (Corporate Policy)
Kings Bench,
Queens Bench,
Orders of Chivalry,
False titles of nobility,
House of Commons,
House of Lords,
Papal Bull,
Pope, (Supreme Ordinary-the king)
Prison's/Jails, (Uniforms) (Corporate Policy) (Defacto)
Vicars, (Uniforms)
Arch-Bishops, (Uniforms)
Bishops, (Uniforms)
Deans, (Uniforms)
Wardens, (Uniforms)
Books, (Literal Books-Bible),
Ministries, (Policy) (Groups)
Baptisms, (Policy) (Groups)
Cultural Systems, (Policy) (Groups)
Belief Systems, (Policy) (Groups)
Religious Studies, (Policy) (Groups)
Religious Laws,
Public Services,
Luciferian Doctrines,
Evangelica, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Religions, (Political) (Policy) (Religious Societies) (Corporation)
Judaism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Christianity, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Islam, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Baha'i, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Muslims, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Hinduism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Taoism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Buddhism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Sikhism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Rodnoveri, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Celtic pagan, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Heathenism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Semitic pagan, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Wicca, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Kemetism, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Hellenismos, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Roman pagan, (Political) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
Church's, (Policy) (Doctrine) (Corporation)
New Age, (Policy) (Religious Societies) (Corporation)
Rights and Duties,
Inherent rights,
Crime, (Corporate Policy)
Binding Force,
Coercive power,
College's, (Corporate Policy)
Universities, (Corporate Policy)
CEO's (Corporate Policy)
Presidents, (Corporate Policy)
Mayors, (Corporate Policy)
Local Councils, (Corporate Policy)
City Councils, (Corporate Policy)
Divide and Conquer,
Federal Reserve Bank, (Corporate Policy)
Parens, Patriae, (Governments as Parents) (Corporate Policy)
National Assembly,
Shadow Government, (Defacto)
Federal Government's, (Corporate Policy) (Corporations) (Defacto)
Dictatorships, (Corporate Policy)
Perpetual succession,
Lords Spiritual,
House of Lords,
House of Commons,
Medieval politics,
Parliament, (Corporate Policy)
Political System's,
Body politics,
Commercial Sex, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Commerce, (Corporate Policy) (Prostitute)
Interest Rates,
Privileges and Immunities,
Rent, (Corporate Policy)
Residents, (Corporate Policy)
Coercive power,
Foundations, (Corporate Policy)
Bank's, (Corporate Policy)
Bank Accounts, (Corporate Policy)
Money, (FIAT) (I Promise To Pay The Bearer On Demand)
Currency's, (Corporate Policy)
Social Services, (Corporate Policy)
Rules, Acts, Ordinances, (not Law) (Corporate Policy)
Statute of law,
American Law,
Constitutional theory,
Equality before the law,
International human rights law,
International humanitarian law,
Liberal Legislation,
Philosophy of law,
Roerich pact,

concepts are just "abstract ideas", they exist only in the mind, they do not live
Business "concept's" are "abstract ideas"
concepts are just "abstract ideas", they exist only in the mind.
An abstract object is an object which does not exist at any particular time or place, but rather exists as a type of thing, i.e. an idea, or abstraction.
 Concepts, abstract ideas
Emotions (Happiness, Love, etc.), Gods (and other mythical creatures), Laws, and anything with borders (states, countries, etc.)

most of the words we use to describe things we see, are nothing more than just, actually concepts
They only exist in the mind
Acts, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Statutes, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Rules, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Legal Law, deals with concept, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Persons, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Name, of the person, is a concept, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
ID's, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Passports, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Citizens, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Police Officers, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Military, are concepts, abstract ideas, written down on paper.
Legal Law; (actual) <<-- Legal Law, is an abstract ideas or concepts, it exist only in the mind, of men who created it, they work with it, they work with the Legal Law, its their abstract ideas, concepts.  It has nothing to do with the ordinary people on the street, only if people believe it, then it does, then its real for them.  An idea is thought up, it can be un thought of too, by ignoring it.  Walk away from it.  Stop believing in it.
Dead, entry contract
Words on paper, that's all that it is, people go out and believe Words, they fight for Words, they are controlled by Words.

Written Words are Dead, you believe in the Dead Words, you bring the Dead Words to life, as you take your life into the Dead World, Prison.  You are practicing witchcraft by believing in the Dead Words, from paper.

You do all of this for Words, Words control you, command you to do this, command you to do that.

The living cannot, contract with the Dead Person on paper, i.e, the NAME, the name is on paper, cos its a Dead piece of paper, and you are believing it's you, when its not, but if you believe, you are the paper, that's great.  The only way you, the living can ever contract with the Dead Words on paper, i, e, the Dead paper, NAME or Person, you would have to be declared Dead too.  

Now, you can contract with the other Dead Person on paper.  If you ever realize you are Dead, then you want to live, how can you, your dead, you will have to understand who you are, where you came from, and have conversations with yourself, and ask yourself, things like, how am i dead in the first place, when i thought i was living.  

How can anyone ever be Dead, when i see them walking, or running or talking, well, its all to do with paper ideas and concepts.  You were claimed to be dead, at a very young age, say about 0-1, in your mother's house, her belly, you came out, as most baby's do, you ended up in hospital, as most mother's think that's the best place for you to be, to take you, to create trauma to your, via the doctors and nurses, handling you like a piece of jelly.

Anyway, my mother, voluntarily sign a piece of paper, called the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which is also called the DEATH CERTIFICATE, there maybe no coincidences here, but i would say i am dead at this point, now, my mother would sign the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, with their pen, via my mothers hand, with the persuasion of the doctors or nurses they are using at the time.
Years, later, i had no idea, i just went on with my life, dead or living as i am grown up now, doing this, doing that, going to schools, getting indoctrinated, just the same as all the other robots, i wished to be just like, i went to all sorts of indoctrinated places, to many to say, then, one day something hit me very hard, NO!, it wasn't my mother, telling to to come in from dinner, it was, my ahaaaaaaaaa moment, you know, the one you get, you know, that one, just before people think you are going crazy.

Anyway back on the the road of my own discovery, my own walk, into living, and always being reminded, don't be long, you have to do this, their is work in the morning for you, son.  Well, what can i say now, except i have woken up to something i never, ever thought, i would wake up to, and not even realizing i was even fast asleep, what a very strange feeling it was, when i first knew.  

I thought i was going crazy, mad and insane, and any other denominations of being crazy.  Whatever becomes from all of this, will happen for the good, that.  A stupid thing, but i vagily remember saying, sometimes, "Sticks and stones, will brake my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me" wow, that was so profound, when everything is in the NAME, and it still is, for everyone around the WORLD now, the NAME.  

So it's not the sticks and stone's that hurt me, you or anyone, its being the NAME, that cause's all the problems.
Where is the energy and value?
What is energy?
What is value?
Where does energy come from?
Where does value come from?
Who creates the energy?
Who creates the value?
Energy is free, value is free.
MONEY is DEBT, there is no value in DEBT, no matter how many times it changes, a leopard never changes its spots, once a DEBT, always a DEBT.

In the commerce WORLD, everything is MONEY, MONEY created from instruments and objects (with no value, except to be left in the earth), with created numbers on them, which people learn at school, to try and make sense of things that are man-made, made for a few, that is greed.  Made intellectual-non-sense, thus its not of the earth.
creating, YOU, as the whole value, and what is created from you.
using your conscious, to create, is value.
using your mind to think, is value.
using your body to move, is value.
using your soul to enjoy, is value.
using your mouth to speak from, is value.
using your hands for creating, is value.
using instruments/objects, without creating them is not value, from you.

using instruments/objects, when creating, from them, you have created, value for yourself.

Your the value to everything, then your the value to all.

Every man/woman and child, are the whole value, no matter what they decide to do in there lives, it is their choice.
In a creators mode - the 5 senses you were born with, anything else is non-sense
That's all we have, our 5 senses, and will ever have, everything  else comes EDUCATED-(regurgitate)-Intelligence into people, (just like injections put into peoples arms) created with an extra sense, called non-sense.  Its useful, in its own way, for fictional-things to do fictional-stuff, it is still non-sense.  Intellect is non-sense, but it can help, in cases like, if you don't know who you are.

Intellect for good, to help your 5 senses.
intelligence, comes from no-senses, non-sense.  Its not real, its someones creation, long ago, and not yours.
5 sences, used in sentances
Do you see these?
Can you see these?
Do you hear these?
Can you hear these?
Do you feel these?
Can you feel these?
Do you smell these?
Can you smell these?
Do you touch these?
Can you touch these?
Where did this come from, where did that come from, who owns this, who owns that? if you are not the owner, then you cannot be accountable for anything you don't own, everything comes back to source.

No-none owns anything, full stop.
The earth has plenty of living things on it, and in it, that's how it works, without any kind of mans intervention (digging-fracking-cutting down-destroying life itself).

Animals can cope without any kind of mans intervention (harming-injecting-killing-slaughtering them).

Money is just a WORD, and Money is a WOOD element-paper, from the trees.  Money was created by man-{Lawyers} to manipulate and put people into servitude, you got Educated-{regurgitate} to understand what things where, and not what you could create for yourself.

Gold is a WORD, and Gold is a METAL element, from the earth, and a COLOR, allcreated by man-{Lawyers}.  And EDUCATED-{regurgitate} in SCHOOLS to use their creation, instead of create things for yourself, you were EDUCATED-{regurgitate} in their SCHOOLS, to understand all of it.

Silver is a WORD, and Silver is a METAL element, from the earth, and a COLOR, all created by man-{Lawyers}.  And EDUCATED-{regurgitate} in SCHOOLS to use their creation, instead of create things for yourself, you were EDUCATED-{regurgitate} in their SCHOOLS, to understand all of it.

food is a WORD, created by man-{Lawyers}, you can eat too, its living.

GMO is a food, a WORD, created by man-{Lawyers}, you can eat it, but its dead food, it will give you lots of diseases.
life is a WORD, created by man-{Lawyers}, you can live it as well.
Do you see life?
Can you see  life?
Do you hear life?
Can you hear  life?
Do you feel life?
Can you feel life?
Do you smell life?
Can you smell  life?
Do you touch life
Can you touch  life?
What is living, the Birth Certificate-NAME or YOU
1/ Look at the Birth Certificate (BC).
2/ Read carefully, what it says.
3/ After reading everything, and writing down your own investigation on it, about it, you will come to the understanding, or conclusion, that somethings very very wrong, is this me, or isn't it, only you can answer that for yourself, ignorance would probably say YES, its me, the senses you were born with are your clues, they would ask you to stop, slow down, then, start looking properly, within, and investigate more, remember your 5 senses.
5 senses
1/ If it doesn't, see (notice you or you notice it), when you look at it, then its not you,
2/ If it doesn't hear you when you speak to it, try speaking back, if it doesn't speak back to you, it can't be you, because you know its paper, right!? if it does speak back to you, your in trouble.
3/ If it doesn't feel, like you, then it isn't you.
4/ If it doesn't smell like you, or can smell you, then it can't be you.
5/ If it doesn't touch like you, and it touch you back, it can't be you.

Can you see the, Birth Certificate (BC)? / the BC-NAME, can i see it?
Can you hear the, Birth Certificate? / the BC-NAME, can i hear it?
Can you feel the, Birth Certificate? / the BC-NAME, can i feel it?
Can you smell the, Birth Certificate? / the BC-NAME, can i smell it, can it smell me?
Can you touch the, Birth Certificate? / the BC-NAME, can i touch it?
In Conclusion to all this;
I'm in a deep quandary here, i might be a Paper-Fiction.  No!!!,
i can't be a Fiction, am i? lol.
                                     1                     2
What is living, the animal or the WORD
Can you see an, animal? / the WORD-animal, can i see it?
Can you hear an, animal? / the WORD-animal, can i hear it?
Can you feel an, animal? / the WORD-animal, can i feel it?
Can you smell an, animal? / the WORD animal, can i smell it?
Can you touch an, animal? / the WORD animal, can i touch it?
5 senses
What is something, without getting taught it
1/ Intelligence uses non-sense, a sense of intelligence, WORDS-MONEY-DEBTS.
2/ What does a human use, with 5 senses?
QUESTION: Can you see the WORD, MONEY? Y/N
ANSWER: MONEY is a WORD, created on paper.
QUESTION: Can you hear the WORD?, MONEY? Y/N
ANSWER: MONEY is a WORD, created on paper.
QUESTION: Can you feel the WORD?, MONEY? Y/N
ANSWER: MONEY is a WORD, created on paper.
QUESTION: Can you smell the WORD?, MONEY? Y/N
ANSWER: MONEY is a WORD, created on paper.
QUESTION: Can you touch a WORD?, MONEY? Y/N
ANSWER: MONEY is a WORD, created on paper.

ANSWER: NO! it only exists for a fictionional-dead-entity, it's just an illusion.  TheFiction created it, a very long long time ago.
1/ earth-living, with no fictions on it.
2/ earth-living, with fictions on it.
2/ PLANET-WORLD-FICTION, created by man-{Lawyers}.
FICTIONAL-WORK-JOBS-WAR-Rules-Statutes, kept in line.
your 5 born senses, with the earth
Do you see the earth? what does it look like?
Can you see the earth? what does it look like?
Do you hear the earth? what does it sound like?
Can you hear the earth? what does it sound like?
Do you feel the earth? what does it feel like?
Can you feel the earth? what does it feel like?
Do you smell the earth? what does it smell like?
Can you smell the earth? what does it smell like?
Do you touch the earth? again what does it feel like?
Can you touch the earth? again, what does it feel like?
Who are YOU? - Questions on the NAME, only YOU can Answer
Question on the NAME, only YOU can Answer
Foundlings Hospitals
The NAME has been PATENTED, you have been found, lost at sea, in the waters of your mother.  The HOSPITAL has found you, the living, and created you in theNAME{Dead}, the fiction on paper, spiritually.
These are NOT Yours
Corporation - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Hospital - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Birth Certificate - NAME - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Bank - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Money-Debt - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Court/Lawyer/Attorney - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Government - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Business - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Company - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Police - REGISTERED - Copyrighted
Military - REGISTERED - Copyrighted

How did you get a NAME?
How can you prove that NAME is yours?
Who gave you a NAME?
Did you create the NAME?
Did your mother create the NAME for you?
What is a Given NAME?
What is a given away NAME called?
What do you do when your NAME is given away?
If you didn't create the NAME, can you change the NAME, when you get older, or just lose it altogether?
Can you prove to yourself, that is your NAME?
Is a NAME, just a NAME or is it, used as a Commercial/Financial/instrument-object for others to manipulate you?
So you got a job, whose NAME are you using?
Did your Mother Register the NAME in the hospital?
Was it you, she Registered or was it the NAME?
 How can you Copyright something, when the NAME you claim, is already Copyrighted by the CROWN,  then there are 2 owners instead of 1, that would be fraud.  To use a Name, which is not yours and a Copyright of the use of that NAME, without proper consent to use it.

All for MONEY

Who creates crime? you, me or people in government
How much do they get to create crimes?
If the value was took out of Money, how much Money crimes would their be?
3 possibilities
1/ If your Mother Registered you, then, you were Registered away, given away.

2/ If your Mother Registered the NAME she gave to you, then, that NAME, was Registered, that would be spiritually Registered, the NAME to use or not to use, it cannot be you its not yours.

3/ If your Mother didn't Register the name, by not going to the hospital in the first place, is that name yours?
If you Register a NAME, is that now yours?
Is Registering, giving ownership to someone else or does the ownership stay with you?
So anything you do in the Registered-NAME, have you just committed yourself to that NAME?

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