Saturday, April 15, 2017

Confusion of face - "Person"

There are many different kinds of artificial persons including:


*Legal Name

Remember that you are none of these unless you have signed a contract saying that you are.
They created the "natural person" which is used to describe a flesh-and-blood creation of the creator known as a human being, and the "artificial person" which is a fictional entity which all statute laws applies to.  Here are the legal definitions:
Natural Person - Persons in the ordinary sense of the word as opposed to artificial persons or corporations.
Artificial person An entity recognized by law but which is not a real person e.g. a company.
"Confusion of Face": 5 of 9:

Hi, my name is Marcus

Ever wonder what a person is?  Everybody uses the word, but how many know what it is?
A few years ago a man told me I was a foolish person, a foolish person.  But I know I am no body’s fool, but maybe I am a person.   I went straight to the Websters dictionary to look up the word person. And it said, “A person is primarily the Mask of an actor used on stage.” Wow, I didn’t know that. So I went back to this man and asked, Why am I hiding my face under a false appearance? Who am I trying to fool.
No one really said that to me, it just illustrates a point..
As I was reading through all the laws and legal systems and statutes and regulations, I noticed that all these laws apply to Persons.  I never read anything in legal documents or statutes that apply to just a Man.
It would say, things like, No person shall drive a motor vehicle or you will suffer a penalty. Or no person shall do this. Or no person shall keep this except under the authority of a licence and subject to the regulations. Never did I see, No man shall hunt deer except under the authority of a licence and subject to the regulations.
It would seem that the law does not regulate a man, only a person.
If there is  a word that is more commonly used than person,  I do not know what it is.
We say, ‘he’s a nice person’ or ‘he’s a bad person’.  He showed up in person or I will deal with him only in person.
I heard a doctor say ‘this disease can be passed from person to person’.
 I have heard of ‘personal property’.
I have heard people say ‘it’s not personal, only business’.
So, basically, you would think that everyone is a person.
Then I learned there are many different kinds of persons in Canada, in any country.
I heard a cop say ‘he had drugs on his person’. That’s the possessive case.  So, people can have ‘a person’.  How about ‘we have a search warrant to search your office and your person’. Is it possible not to have ‘a person’.
I wonder if it is possible to show up somewhere or be present somewhere, but not in
person. I know a guy who went to court and talked to the Judge but later was arrested
because he didn’t appear in person.  But, if he was there, why was he later arrested.
I read that in Canada, women became ‘persons’ in 1929.  Prior to that women weren’t
persons.  So, before 1929, women could not catch that disease that the doctor said would pass from person to person and if a cop had found drugs on her, they couldn’t have been on ‘her person’, maybe they would have had to have been in her pocket.
I learned that Corporations are persons.  They can sue and be sued in court.  But, this
person can’t drive.  This person can’t vote.  I know they can lobby to government. I wonder how they lobby to government.  Some other person must drive them there so they can lobby in person.
I learned that the County of Simcoe is a person.  Last week that person said there would be no garbage collection next week.  I learned that the City of Toronto was a person.  This person has to apply for a license to keep protected wildlife at their zoo. The law says they have to apply in person.
Some people are put in prison and lose their person.  They take their person away from
them, probably because there isn’t enough room in the small little cages or cells where they keep them.
I saw that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees everyone the right to life, liberty and security of the person.
The U.S. Constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure in their houses, persons, papers and effects.
I also learned that a baby is not a person unless it is born, dead or alive.  Baby doctors used to be taught that when pregnant women came in they had two patients. Today they only have one person as a patient.
There are groups that want elephants, chimpanzees and dolphins to be persons.  Then if you shoot one, you will have shot a person.  Right now, a chimpanzee is the same as an unborn baby … a non-person. You can shoot either one, there is no legal problem there.
Aboriginees in Australia, prior to 1940, were not persons.  You could get a permit or a license from the British High Commission in Australia to shoot one. That’s a fact.  So, when they shot and killed an Aboriginal, they did not shoot a person.  They must have shot a non-person.  They shot an animal.  If this aboriginal was wearing a pair of shoes they could not have been his personal shoes.  If they had talked to him they would have seen he had no personality.  I’m sure when the Aboriginal said “Why are you going to shoot me?; the answer would have been “Well, I paid the fee for a license to shoot you. It’s not personal, just business.”
Are you confused, do you still think you know what a person is?
Every law, statute, regulation, ordinance and policy that you have ever obeyed applies to every person.  Every obligation, duty, responsibility, debt, liability, omission, neglect, prohibition, punishment, allegiance, loyalty, credit, benefit, right, interest, privilege, account, name, address, title, deed, action, performance etc. etc. etc. applies to every person (fictional)
So, what can we learn aboutperson’.  What does the encyclopedia say about person.  It
says personhood continues to be a topic of international debate.  The beginning of human personhood is a concept long debated by law, religion and philosophy.
Christianity is the first philosophical system to use the word personin its modern sense.
Thus, the word personwas originally a theological term created and defined by Christians to explain Christian theological concepts.
How can there be a controversy between philosophy and law about a person or what a
person is? All of our laws pertain to persons.  If no one knows what a person is, how are
people being convicted and sentenced to prison.
So, what do the experts say about a person?
Judge Blackstone, a Judge in the 17th century co-wrote that: Persons are divided by the law into either natural persons, or artificial.  Natural persons are such as the God of nature formed us: artificial are such as created and devised by human laws for the purposes of society and government; which are called corporations or bodies politic.
Bouvier Law Dictionary going back about 100 years, says: This word is applied to men, women and children, who are called natural persons.  In law, man and person are not exactly synonymous terms.  Any human being is a man, whether he be a member of society or not, whatever may be the rank he holds, or whatever may be his age, sex, etc.  A person is a man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes.
So, that is saying that not every man is a person, but every person must be a man.  But,
corporations and cities are not men.  So, that couldn’t be true.
The Dictionary of Canadian Law says, A person is any being that is capable of having rights and duties, and is confined to that.  Persons are of two classes only – natural persons and legal persons.  A natural person is a human being that has the capacity for rights or duties. A legal person is anything to which the law gives a legal or fictional existence or personality, with capacity for rights and duties.  The only legal person known to our law is the corporation, the body corporate.
Websters Dictionary says the ordinary meaning of this word says “A person is primarily the Mask of an actor used on stage.
I wonder if God made any persons, what does he say about persons.
God: He says: Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture,  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. James 2: 7-10
Person: defined in early 1800’s: A human being represented in dialogue, fiction, or on the stage; character. Character of office. A player appears in the person of a character.
In law, a person is one enabled to maintain pleas in court. (A person is one who can
plead/beg for things.  Otherwise, you can’t beg for anything.)
So, your birth certificate does not represent a human being.  A human being appears as the birthed non-living entity certified by the birth certificate.
Personal: Belonging to men or women, not to things; not real, present in person; not acting by representative; as a personal interview.  Personal estate, belonging to the person as opposed to real estate.  Personal identity, in metaphysics, sameness of being, of which consciousness is the evidence.  Personate: To represent by a fictitious or assumed character so as to pass for the person represented.  To represent by action or appearance; to assume the character and act the part of another.  To pretend hypocritically.  To resemble. A mask.
Personification:  The giving to an inanimate being the figure or the sentiments and language of a rational being; prosopopoeia; as, confusion heard his voice.
Personify: To give animation to inanimate objects.  To ascribe to an inanimate being
sentiments, actions and language of a rational being.  To represent as an inanimate being.
Legal Personality: This is the characteristic of a non-living entity regarded by law to have the status of personhood.
So, what is all this.  This is the act of necromancy; invoking the dead, to obtain a remedy in law to receive a justice because of an injustice.  Conjuring up the dead as a medium, an instrument to achieve a purpose.  The person is really a dead thing and you are giving it life. You are giving life to the dead.
Let’s see what lawyers have to say:
A person is recognized by law as such, not because he is human, but because rights and duties are ascribed to him.  The person is the legal subject or substance of which the rights and duties are attributes.  An individual human being considered as having such attributes is what lawyers call a “natural person.”
A person by Statute term may include a firm, labour organization, partnership, association, corporation, legal representative, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers.
Let’s see what other encyclopedia’s say:
A *person* (from Latin language is a persona, meaning “mask”) is a being, such as a
human, that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood.  Personhood, the precise definition of which is the subject of much controversy. How can there be a controversy when persons are going to jail and being executed in person.”
In ancient Rome, the word persona” “(Latin) or “prosopon (Greek) originally referred to the masks worn by actors on stage.  The various masks represented the various “personae” in the stage play.  In Roman Law, the word “persona” became used to refer to a role played in court, and it became established that it was the role rather than the actor that could have rights, powers, and duties, because different individuals could assume the same roles, the rights, powers, and duties followed the role rather than the actor, and each individual could act in more than one role, each a differentperson in law.
That’s a split personality; a multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia.
Now you know why you don’t have any rights, powers and duties.  They follow the role, not the actor.
The concept of apersonwas further developed during the Trinitarian and Christological debates of the first through sixth centuries.  Since then, a number of important changes to the word’s meaning and use have taken place, and attempts have been made to redefine the word with varying degrees of adoption and influence.  Many modern speakers of colloquial English conflate the meanings of role and actor, which can result in some confusion when they try to enter into legal discourse.
So, this has something to do with Christ.  So, if you are a Jew or a Muslim or anyone born before Christ couldn’t be a person. So, we’ve only had persons for 2013 years if that’s what a person is.
Prosopagnosia (Greek: “prosopon” = “face”, “agnosia” = “not knowing”) is a disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired, while the ability to recognize other objects may be relatively intact. (Agnosia – an agnostic)
Prosopopoeia (Greek) is a rhetorical device in which a speaker or writer communicates to the audience by speaking as another person or object. The term literally derives from the Greek roots “prosopon” face, person.
So, every time we speak ‘in person’ we are speaking as someone else, evidenced by the mask we wear. We are speaking in disguise.  We are concealing our real identity and putting on another identity.
This term also refers to a figure of speech in which an animal or inanimate object is
ascribed human characteristics or is spoken of in anthropomorphic language.  Quintilian
writes of the power of this figure of speech to “bring down the gods from heaven, evoke the dead, and give voices to cities and states.  Necromancy again!
Personification: A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form. Also called prosopopeia.
Personification: the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas. Incarnation, embodiment – giving concrete form to an abstract concept.
All of this is called the Occult.  The supernatural.  Witchcraft. And we practice it every day
of our lives and do not even know we do it.  Whenever we do anything in person we are
evoking the dead as a medium, an instrument to do whatever we are doing it through.
As we go on you will see that we act, think and speak for the dead.  In fact, we are the
medium that is used by the Occult to give life to the dead to make it seem real, to make it believable.
 Of course if we act by and through the dead, people would be repulsed so we
will just call it a ‘fiction’, an abstract being, an inanimate being. People will never figure it
Why do we have to do this …. Because we are dead in the LAW.  In the next series, you will learn the extreme evil in this.  At this point, it may seem like it isn’t a big deal. It isn’t until you can picture the whole thing and the results of this.
I wonder if there are any people who are not persons. Of course, the unborn baby,
Aboriginal and some prisoners are not persons.
A Nonperson – a man regarded as nonexistent and having no rights; a man whose
existence is systematically ignored.  How stupid is that.  I can’t see you unless you are a
In the first video, I said you will not believe this.  I said you practice the Occult.  You do not see things that are there and you do see things that are not there.  Hallucinations and blindness.  A severe mental disorder.
You see, the Constitution that you think you are a member of is only make believe.
Remember, I told you that there are only two ways to see.  With your eyes and with your
mind.  Members of the Canadian Constitution can only be seen with the mind.
So, a man, a simple, plain, just man is not recognized by the law that you call a legal system.
God does not respect persons, and our law only respects persons.  So, people who build churches for God, well your church is a person and that person does not have to pay property taxes.
To have a persona (to be a person) was to have a face before the law.  That is to say to possess rights and privileges before a court or as being able to give testimony upon the strength of one’s own words or as owning a respectable identity.  If you have no persona, no mask, you have no face before the law.
So, a mask becomes your identity. It is all the judge can see.  You are in disguise.  Of
course, he only sees it in his mind.
So, what is a non-person – a man who cannot be seen, no face before the law, no mask, a man who holds no public office, a man who is systematically ignored, a man whose presence is not recognized, a man who does not wear a mask, a man who does not give legal advice, a man removed from the memory of the public, a man who has no rights, protections, privileges, responsibilities, duties or legal liability.
I can tell you that a person has no gender and owns no property.  A fiction owns no property because it is nothing, it is a fiction, it is not real.
You cannot see a person, smell a person, taste a person, feel a person or hear a person.
It is non-sense.  In fact a person is not a noun, it is an adverb.
But you can be made to realize (the act of making real) a person if you think, speak and act for it.  This is of course what is called an insane delusion.
Now, getting back to the only person known to our law.  Let’s break down the concept as it is used in our law.
Per: Latin preposition, denoting through, near, close, as, through or with, denoting the
agent, means, instrument or cause;
Son: the male issue of a parent, a native or inhabitant of a country; as the sons of Britain.
A son is that which is fathered.  The father is he who makes, creates or composes anything.  If a country can have sons, then the country must be their father.
Father and son are reciprocal terms. Meaning you cannot have a father without having a son. And you cannot have a son without having a father.
So, per-son is a process not a being.  A son is a being.  A person is one who did the act in the place and stead of the son, or by means of the son.  The use of a medium.
One who acts as the son, in the name of the son, by and through the son, and appears to be the son is the exact person. (Out of the act.)
In court this is called pleading into a fiction of law.  Pleading as the dead.  It is an out of
body experience.  This is why a summons to appear is a conjuration.  Evoking the dead.  But you are summoned to appear as the son.  In the place and instead of.  The one who by and through the son, or the dead ….. did the act.  The actor fulfilling the role.
This is a “Summons to appear”.  It is calling the dead to appear.  A court only has
jurisdiction over the dead.
The “Unravelling” series will show the blasphemy of what this is really about, religious
people will go berserk. Remember the Registrar General said that your birth certificate was never meant to be used as personal identification.  It only identifies the son.  When you use it, you become ‘the person’.  You became this entity that acted by and through the son (the instrument).  You have given life to the dead.  That is called a resurrection of the dead.
ALL RISE. This court is now in session.
A country cannot be a real father and cannot have real sons.  It is just pretend.  They are
calledfictions of lawor paper fictions’.  These sons have no connection based on blood
but based on affinity.  The only person known to our law is one to which we give as a
lawmaker a fictional existence.   Why? Who is going to obey our commands.  Fictions do
not exist.  They are all in your mind only.  So we think, speak and act through this fictional son, thus we are a ‘natural person.  The thinking, speaking and acting can only be done by you; thus the cause of every effect is done by and through you, the living one.  So, the act was done ‘in person’. This is the way the legal system was designed. It doesn’t mean it is right.
I think therefore I am.
I speak therefore I am.
I act therefore I am.
The evidence of the abstract or fictional son is the Canadian issued identification.  You think you are the same or identical to it and you may use it as a foundational identity document.
Now, let’s look at the father-son relationship.  All law is based on a father-son relationship.
The legal term is Parens patriae – means parent of the country. The parens patriae
has its roots in English Common Law.  In feudal times various obligations and

powers, collectively referred to as the royal prerogative, were reserved to the king.  The king exercised these functions in his role as father of the country.  Whose your Daddy???
What is afiction of law? A convenient fiction or a misfortunate truth.
Fiction: [Latin fictio, from fingo, to feign]
Feigned; imaginary; not real. The human persons are as fictitious as the airy ones.
Counterfeit; false; not genuine; feigned representation.
Feign: To invent or imagine; to form an idea or conception of something not real.  To make a show of; to pretend; to assume a false appearance; to counterfeit. To represent falsely; to pretend; invented; devised; imagined; assumed.  This is nothing more than fraud.  But you are the one who is doing it.  No one is forcing you to do it.  So, it’s not a fraud then, is it? But, it’s fraud.  You are being tricked into committing fraud.
Now, here is man’s justification or rationale for this, but it doesn’t answer ‘why’.
FICTION OF LAW.  The assumption(remember an assumption is unjust, iniquity) that a certain thing is true, and which gives to a person or thing, a quality which is not natural to it, and establishes, consequently, a certain disposition, (the act or means of getting rid of something) which, without the fiction, would be repugnant to reason and to truth. It is an order of things which does not exist, but which the law prescribe; or authorizes it differs from presumption, because it establishes as true, something which is false;
Fictions were invented by the Roman praetors, who, not possessing the power to
abrogate the law, (what law are we talking about here) were nevertheless willing to
derogate from it, under the pretense of doing equity.  (Pretense is pretending with the
intention to deceive.)  What law couldn’t they get rid of? This was the Roman empire.  It
controlled the whole world.  What law couldn’t they get rid of? Think about it.  And, they did it under the pretense of doing equity.
It goes on to say that a fiction of law is the assumption that a certain thing is true and which gives to a person or thing a quality that is not natural to it and establishes, consequently, a certain disposition, which without the fiction, would be pungent to reason and truth.  It is an order of things that does not exist, but that the law prescribes or authorizes.
Fictions of law owe their origin to the legislative usurpations of the bench.  (the legislative usurpation of whose bench?) So, somebody usurped the bench, sat on
it, and started making laws.  Then it goes on to say that the law abounds in fictions
thousands of them.
See, a fiction of law is like this …. I make a contract with somebody …. I make some
obligations, some agreements, some promises and they make some agreements and
promises back to me, so I get some consideration for the contract because I’m not going to do a contract for nothing, except we impose a fiction of law to create the contract.  There is nobody there, it is pulled out of thin air. It’s a pretend person, just so I can get what I want under this contract.
Canadian Law Dictionary – Fiction: A rule of law which assumes something which is false is true, and will not allow it to be disproved.  An assumption by law that something which is false is true.  A statute may state that X is to be treated as Y.  That is a rule of law.
So, if you think truth is in law, it is not.  It is real law, not your legal system
Did you know that there is a ‘realistic fiction’? Realistic fiction strives to make the reader feel as if they are reading something that is actually happening; something that though not real, is described in a believable way that helps the reader make a picture as if it were an actual event.  This can also confuse the reader into making the reader think it’s non-fiction.
So, it said that the law abounds in Fictions.  Really? Does not exist in nature.
The supernatural does not exist in nature.  Do you think our law abounds in the
supernatural, the occult, witchcraft, necromancy? It’s all supernatural.  Anything that
produces an unnatural effect is witchcraft.  That is what witchcraft is.
So, for the trick to work, you have to be an unwitting accomplice.  If you knew you were
doing this, you would know it’s a fraud.  Also the trick would have no value unless someone brings to life the fiction.  Also, people would ask “Why do I have to do this?”
Can we not just be who we are? The answer is ‘no’.  Those that know would have to tell you the truth about the law and could never take advantage of you.  You see, I’m going to explain later, in the “Confusion of Money” how your property is being stolen; half through money.
Your whole life you have been acting as an entity that is not alive.  You provided all your labour through and as this entity.  It is the only entity known to our law.
Why? Because it is the only thing we can create in our head.  You cannot apply your will to something you do not own.  And because you cannot create anything, we have to make you believe so we can steal from you.  It is all about stealing.  This whole thing is about property and stealing.
So, I have given you the break down of the word person as it is supposed to be known.  I know it is hard to grasp completely, but it was designed that way. I will explain the complete concept of ‘the person’ in the “Unravelled Series”.  There is more to the story.  It is the key to understanding the whole illusion of how you lost your birthright, inheritance and property.
I am going to end this program with a Riddle: Remember, per means by or through or by means of, so when I ask this riddle, for some of you people, a light will go off. Here is the riddle.
Can you think of anything that can be obtained, only by means of the son?
In the next video we will look at Law and Government as you are presumed to know it.  The groups and people who protest against their government may want to rethink their actions or change direction. You will learn how you have been enticed and deceived into becoming the proximate cause of your own misery.
Till then...........My name is Marcus.

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