Friday, April 14, 2017

Using the patented-NAME

Using the patented-NAME, gives, you the use of someone else's patented benefits, and also gives, you the obligations, too act in that patented-NAME which was created, and not, by you.  A choice to use that patented-NAME or not to use it, is yours.  If using it, then you will become the liability, now part owner of something you never created.  Who created the patented-NAME  is the owner of the NAME-patented to someone, that someone was not you, and you use it, by saying, "i am the "NAME", which are words on paper, or a patented piece of paper, you now have become that created dead entity.

If something is not yours, then you use it, without permission, and with a licence too use it, now you have permission to commit fraud in the patented-NAME.

The same example as Money, or anything else that was and is patented by someone else, other than you.  You use all things patented, then you are liable for someone else's patented things, objects or instruments, you become the owner, and the one's who created the things, ideas, do not pay anything.

All in all, you are patented out by using the NAME.

If you create a name and put that in your own safe place, then that's your own property, without giving it away to anyway who desires you to register, you owning something away to others.

The lawful right to create things is within, and the legal and illegal right for you to give away your creations is without.

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