Friday, April 14, 2017

A story of God, Man and a corporation

I decided to write this, to maybe prove to myself, that what is on the earth, is just an illusion (CORPORATIONS=MONEY=debt=slavery), created by man, to keep man busy, in his days upon the earth, then the man wouldn't realise he has long forgot what he knew, which was knowledge, he knew long ago.  If you take the illusion of Corporations=money=debt=slavery away, then there is only man upon the earth, with his own power to create what he wants in life, as a farmer, a shop keeper, a life full of learning, wisdom and knowledge.
All the writing that is in green are Corporations=money=debt=slavery
God is not a religion=Corporations=money=debt=slavery, he is the creator of creation, The Earth, and the Universe.  Why would God create a Religion=Corporations=money=debt=slavery if he created Man, to find his own way in life.  Learning by mistakes, hopefully to understand by them mistakes, he made.  Then by knowing the what he has done, then can he do better in his life, then he has learned that knowledge of what he did and he made it better for himself.
This  is an ongoing writing project, it will start of with a little bit of nothing, then a little bit more, then a lot more, finally there might be something to finish the bit of what was nothing.
In the begining there was nothing, then God created something.  The Light (Day) and the Darkness (Night), The Water, the Land, The Sky, and maybe much more i forgot about.  I'll correct what, God created later, but my point is that at the begining there was nothing, empty nothing, then GOD, the power that created Man but still nothing was built on the earth, except what God created.  So with this in mind, doesn't that make us, all that is? God didn't create Corporations=money=debt=slavery, Religions=Corporations=money=debt=slavery, yes man created Religions=Corporations=money=debt=slavery as Corporations=money=debt=slavery, God had nothing to do with that.  Man created Corporations=money=debt=slavery so people could be entertained or distracted in their life of their pursuit of, knowledge and wisdom.  Man created a working Man for a Corporations=money=debt=slavery, but before we wanted this entertainment in our lives, we learn't things in life, we learn't a lot of knoweledge and wisdom.
If God created Man, God has the only power to take away from the earth, not man.  If man takes away from Gods creation, or creations, then that man who took away from God becomes distant from him, and abandoned, and he walks into the darkness.  If the army's of Man use war to distroy Gods creation, Man, then what does that man become, he becomes a killer of Gods creation, Man.  Nothing in Gods Law justifies this.
Then when God created Man, he then created a law for Man.
GODS LAW, Gods law, due to God being the creator of the earth and the Universe.  Then man created Common Law to create a law for the Man to live his life.  No other laws, should be used upon man.  Any other law would not apply to Man, only Corporations=money=debt=slavery, under Rules or Statues or Jurisdictions, all these are just part of corporation laws, used for the purpose to the force you to their law, and not created by the Creator, God.  If a Man knew how he should conduct his own affairs in life without any interuption.  With using the Common Law, he should live life free.
Centuries ago, Churches used to keep the records of baby's Births, Why not now.  When the woman gives birth, she either gets rushed into hospital or goes from her own concent.  She gives birth, she names the baby, then she gets asked to register the baby, the woman who give birth thinks, thats normal, so she registers the babys name on a piece of paper called the Birth Certificate, which she thinks is her piece of paper, but alas, that is not the case, the woman who signed the piece of paper, which was the birth certificate, she just give the right away on that piece of paper.  The baby now is in the control of the Government=Corporations=money=debt=slavery, yes you guessed it, its a Corporations=money=debt=slavery.
But the woman has part time custody for the child only now.  If the woman knew that at the start, would she put her concent to signing the Birth Registor?  Corporations=money=debt=slavery which keep this information.  Why, their is no reason really, except they do it to keep something from the person who was born.  A Corporations=money=debt=slavery is created from that piece of paper, the Birth Certificate.  Right so far we got, God who created Man, Man then created fantastic things upon the earth, before the Corporations=money=debt=slavery Man came along.  The strange thing is all this Corporations=money=debt=slavery stuff, is, why be part of it in the first place.  Politics=Corporations=money=debt=slavery.  How can anyone pay a debt off with another debt, doesn't that defeat the object, to pay a debt, isn't it logic that tells you that you don't pay anything, otherwise the debt gets bigger.  If so, why haven't we been taught how to pay a debt off in the schools, instead of the Governments=Corporations=money=debt=slavery who are in debt, not the normal man or woman.  I am seeing this, where the contact to contract comes in now.  You refuse to accept their contracts, then they default, not you, its their debts, not yours.

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