Friday, April 14, 2017

The Queen (fictional monarch) has no Authority, she only has authority over fictions.

As the "QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (fictional monarch)", that entity lives within an imaginary world and has absolutely no authority over anyone in our reality, only over fictions.

Just because LORD God (fictional God) creates an illusion of man created man and woman, doesn't change the fact that he is using God's creation to do it with.  LORD God (fictional God) has no say at all as to laws and belief systems.  God never created laws or names because love and truth require no such things.

We do not live in countries (fictional), we live on the earth.  The "world (fictional)" is made up in the imagination and is over laid on the earth, but you will never find any legislation anywhere saying that a country (fictional) is on the earth.  It exists only on maps and in the mind.  Countries (fictional) are conceptual things of fiction, thus by their very nature are not credible and thus bankrupt (fictional).

That is what is going on.  Everything in the "world (fictional)" not earth, is wrapped in hearsay.  This is why everything is a given name.

If it does not have a name it is not hearsay.

That is why they need you to identify yourself as a being a name, thus hearsay and they can act on it.  A person (fictional) has two componants, a name and a birth date.

America (fictional) exists in the world (fictional) but america (fictional) does not exist on the earth.

LORD God (fictional God) had Adam name everything around him.

By creating a fictional world LORD God (fictional God) was allowed to enslave Adam.

Of course LORD God (fictional God) was not God at all, but was the essence of that dark energy.

Thus the game is to get us to confess through tricks and extortion if needed, to confess we are a fiction a name they have created in their own private world.  Thus by outright fraud they get us to pay for debt on these countries (fictional) in their imaginary world, with our labour.

Because all law within fiction, they are free to obey or disobey these laws they see fit.

God created the earth and gave all of man dominion over it,  God never gave man or woman a name because God does not create fiction.  names are fictions.

In order to create this pretence, they have hijacked the word "PERSON (fictional)".

And then they have created statutes(fictional) which regulate what a PERSON (fictional) can do (and or can't do).

You assume you are a person (fictional) - and in common parlance you are, of course - but in legal-speak a PERSON (fictional) is considered to be a "single - individual corporation (fictional)".

To which company law - not just common law - can be applied.
Hearsay is not admissible in any court of law.

1. What is your NAME?
Everybody lies about all three.  This is their control over you.  THE NAME.

1. your mam told you your given name.
2. when were you born.  DOUBLE TRICK

You were too young too remember and You have a birthday, not a D.O.B. (hearsay)

3. what is your ADDRESS?=[where do you operate your business or corporation] another trick.

where do you live is only one answer, if you say 1234 home st. then how can you be here and still be alive????

YOU LIVE IN YOUR BODY. tell me i am wrong. PROVE IT.
a passport is for persons not people.
Britain has been bankrupt (fictional) since 1931, and probable earlier too.
To gain any understanding the NATURE OF EVERYTHING, first one must study the name because everything is in the name and the name is everything.
in law it states, all persons were men, but not all men were not persons

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