Friday, April 14, 2017

Contract to Contract (CORPORATIONS) Consent or Not to consent

De Jure                                                                De Facto
Contract to Contract Exists/Contract to Contract does not Exist
The Creator (God-Law)                  |||                  Law-Legal
Only in Gods Law                                               Only in Law

LAWFUL=The Law, The Truth.
If you go to Court, and the judge calls your LEGAL FICTION, is MR "JOHN DOE" in the building, you answer the judge, YES he is your honor, he is here, the (piece of paper Birth Ceritficate) in your hand is YOUR FICTION, not you.  Do not consent that you are that Person on the piece of paper, cos it is not you.  Otherwise you have accepted you are that ficticious entity, if you do, then you become liable to anything the judge throws at you.  You are a MAN, how can you be a piece of paper, only you have the power to write things, if you or your parents did not write that Birth Certificate, who did.
A MAN cannot contract with a corporation, unless he becomes a LEGAL FICTION.
A man Can Contract with Another man, if they both accept, then the Contract is truth, but if one desides not to accept, then the Contract becomes void, No Contract.
man  <<-------- NO CONTRACT -------->> FICTION
man <<--------CONTRACT -------- >> man
FICTION <<-------- CONTRACT -------->> FICTION

To be binding upon someone, a contract must be signed.  Typing a signature is not sufficient to bind someone.  Thus, the contract
would not be valid.

A Contract only works if a "PERSON-LEGAL FICTION" Concents to it.  If he or she doesn't Consent, then the contract becomes void.
1 way-Contract.  A CORPORATION to MAN=ILLEGAL.
Accepting a Contract to Contract=CORPORATION=LAWFUL
A man-NOT accepting a Contract-(STATUTES-MONEY) to enter into a contract of a CORPORATION=No Consent to any Corporations is given=the corporation is then=ILLEGAL & FRAUDULANT.
The Corporation could go away, but it would take a lot of will power on their behalf, so the only option is then, if you do not to contract with a corporation.  Without a contract from you either way, YOU or THEM, cannot act, if they do contract with you, then you haven’t contracted with them, then they have broken there agreement, but if that is there agreement, then that is fraud, cos YOU didn’t contract with them.  Contracts work with both sides agreeing, or signing something to work.  1 side, signs will null and void the contract, cos their has to be 2 signatures for a contract.
But in a De Facto, i think all contracts are void anyway.

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