Friday, April 14, 2017

Law of a man & woman

LIFE {1},1,1,1 is {4-->>{1},1,1,1} but the original {1}, creator is the beginning.  Everything else is created from {1} Life.

FICTION {1},1,1,1,1 {4-->> {1},1,1,1, but the original {1}, fiction is the beginning, and all fictions are just dead paper creation entity's, without life, given to it.
Law of a man & woman
Real Law's only exist for a Gods real man and a woman only, these God's laws are higher than any fictional law, these are written from the heart of a man and woman, other so called laws do not exist.  Nothing is higher than the universe, exept the universe itself.  

Nothing else exists.  A person in a uniform doing there job, is all they are doing, a job, but that job doesn't give them rights over and above a mans heart.  They cannot infringe against the laws of the real man or woman, its like saying a fiction is higher than any universe.  A written fictional law against a real man and woman, with a real heart is written, is the law for them, their own universal creational law.

Law created by a man & woman, for that man & woman only, if law is then created to be put upon other men & women, that law, which is negative in nature, then becomes an unlawful act.  

WHO!!! has the right to dictate what to do or think, NOONE, that negative, law becomes a criminal act.

Its what makes a man a man and woman a woman, to be one with the Creator, and has his own hand to write law for himself, or for the advancement of everyone and everything, but a fiction, on the other hand with their minor laws ("FACT"), to be one without the Creators knowledge or concent, corrupted by entity's in so called high places.  They Don't exist in the law of MAN & WOMAN, life.

Any law written within a fiction becomes fiction itself.  So what is real?  fiction is limited, a concept, and nothing more.

A real man or woman is life itself, with a heart.  Their is nothing else, to search within yourself is to know who you are, and what you are.  A real man or woman writing their law is always higher than that of a written fictional law (act).  Real is all there is.

If you don't create things for yourself, then you are giving away to others, to create for you, but if its for the betterment of mankind, then you will be remembered.  A human law, "IN" law-Truth-facts", and not ACTORS "OF" law-Fact-lie", in truth written by hand is always higher than a fictional law, that deals "OF".

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