Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Vaccine Watchman 1888 - PDF


Parts from The "Vaccine Watchman" 1888

There are two classes of people who cannot see the truth; first, those who are prejudiced and unbelieving, and will not come to the light to read for themselves; and secondly those interested vaccinators who are making millions of pounds by the vile practice.

If there is one member of Parliament who does not know the awful effects of vaccination he ought to know it, and do his duty to the public, and try to do away with an arbitrary law that permits a lot of unfeeling hearted doctors to commit wholesale robbery and murder by corrupting the pure blood with a complication of diseases for which the public has to pay millions of pounds.

There is no business transacted in the House of Commons or Lords, of so much importance as the question of vaccination, for every householder is taxed to pay vaccinators, to put poisonous humours into pure blood that have passed through millions of diseased and filthy people, and after poor working men have deprived them selves of the common necessaries of life to pay 20 or 30 fines to keep their children from being tortured to death with vaccination, some have at last been cast into prison, their goods sold, and their wives and children turned out in the street, and thrown on the parish for support. 

This law caused one poor woman to murder herself, body and soul; to put herself as she thought out of a miserable existence.  That member of Parliament who will uphold this blood poisoning, sinful, filthy practice ought not to be one of the law-makers.

Fifteen female scholars were syphilised by a vaccination from a child whose skin was perfectly clear.

caused by vaccination— 

Abdominal Phthisis. 
General Debility. 
Intensified Ulceration. 
Phagedenic Action. 
Scald Head. 
Skin Diseases. 

There are over ten thousand doctors who consider vaccination useless only to create disease, and they are from long experience, of the same opinion as myself that vaccination causes the death of 30,000 persons in England every year, and it never saved the life of one single individual.

Doctors are not such fools as to think that a poisonous humour which has passed through millions of filthy diseased people can be harmless, and they are not so mad as to believe that it can do any good.  He who upholds vaccination in Parliament is pleading for those men who make millions of pounds by poisoning the blood. 

He is like a barrister pleading for a gang of swindlers, house-breakers, or murderers, to get a verdict in their favour, what does he care, for a little money, he would set at liberty on the public such villains who are not fit to live, but there never was a highwayman, or housebreaker, or murderer 14 half so bad as the blood poisoning vaccinators who appear to be such nice pleasant gentlemen.

There were 30,000 American soldiers vaccinated, and ten thousand out of the thirty thousand died in a dreadful state through vaccination, many others had to have their arms cut off to save their lives, and many had their constitution ruined for life.

No reasonable good man would uphold such a murderous law.

Reader, never support or vote for a vaccinator who upholds a murderous law.

a false certificate of death is written to hide their murderous work.

Some doctors, to deceive their victims, tell them that they have vaccinated their own children and themselves; if there is such a fool in the world I pity him.  All doctors know the danger attending vaccination, so to deceive they have simply made a scratch in the arm and caused it to be bad, with a chemical poison.  In others they put in a little glycerine, still such are deceiving, and upholding the murderous practice of vaccination.

If there was a law made to hold vaccinators responsible for damage or loss of life there would not be a vaccinator to be found in the world.  Some feeling hearted good people cannot believe that there are such cruel villains in the world.  But I ask what crime is there but what some will do for gold, especially when they know that they will not be found out by man and protected by law.

It is not only vaccination and adulteration, but poisonous minerals are being used in medicine that slay millions of people.

If a vaccinating doctor is such a fool or a rogue he is not a fit man to be trusted with peoples lives.

The diseases of the brute beast, and millions of filthy people mix together that it baffles the wisest doctor to know what disease his patient is suffering from, and if he does know he has nothing to cure it as he rejects the herbal medicine which God sent to cure disease, and uses poisons and minerals which kill more people than all the diseases put together.

How dare a man make a law to murder his fellow creature.

? the corrupting the blood with diseases in vaccination murders in England alone more than 50,000 people every year. Who but a cruel monster (that had the spirit of a devil) would cause the flesh to rot from the bones of his fellow-creature, and cause millions of little innocent babes to suffer in an agony of pain with the vile sins of filthy people.  The Almighty God, our wise Creator, has made His work perfect, and man cannot improve on it, or make it unsusceptible to disease by vaccination, which is a sin and an insult to our Creator. 

I have, and can give the names of these doctors who have written lies on the death certificate to keep up this money making practice.


It may not be generally known to many of my readers that it was the Devil, or Apostate Spirit (who is at war with God and all mankind), that first put it into the mind of man to use Mercury as a medicine to overthrow God’s plan for healing diseases and curing sickness by the use of Herbs, whereby man’s natural life might be prolonged to its appointed time of threescore years and ten.  I will give it in the inventor’s own words, and leave my readers to judge for themselves. 

“ In the year 1493, in Switzerland, arose Theophrastus Bombastes Paracelsus, the great prototype of all succeeding quacks. It was he who first introduced quicksilver, or mercury, as a medicine.  This individual succeeded in overthrowing the Galenic or Botanic system, which had stood the test of 1,400 years, and in its place he introduced the mineral or chemical system.  He burnt the works of Galen before the audience to whom he lectured.  He at length became intolerably vain-glorious, boasting that there was more knowledge in his beard than in the whole of Galen.  He was likewise shockingly impious, declaring that, if God would not impart to man the secrets of medicine, it was right to consult the Devil.  He professed to have discovered the elixir of life, which would prolong our mortal existence to any extent.  He died a miserable vagabond at the age of forty-eight.”

Such then was the person to whom we are indebted for the introduction of the mineral practice which has continued to the present day, entailing misery on the human family to an amount beyond all computation.

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