Friday, April 14, 2017

Commerce and the fictional world

In the world (fictional) of commerce (fictional) get used to autographing and using (agent) in brackets after your autograph.  

This is because you are an agent for NAME in ALL CAPITALS, and the NAME is NOT you!

I have spoke to this Policeman about a year ago about C'EST TUI QUE TRUST (Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION.
An adult man is actually a mind inhabiting a physical body. 

Original Article:

a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc., is named or thought to be named.

a name or noun formed after a person.

1. a person, real or imaginary, from whom something, as a tribe, nation, or place, takes or is said to take its name:
Brut, the supposed grandson of Aeneas, is the eponym of the Britons.

2. a word based on or derived from a person's name.
3. any ancient official whose name was used to designate his year of office.

Origin of eponym


First recorded in 1840-50

Related forms

eponymic, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for eponym

1. a name, esp a place name, derived from the name of a real or mythical person, as for example Constantinople from Constantine I

2. the name of the person from which such a name is derived: in the Middle Ages, "Brutus" was thought to be the eponym of "Britain"

Derived Forms

eponymic, adjective

Word Origin

C19: from Greek epōnumos giving a significant name
Only things can be named.
A mind is a process, not a thing.  
When we are a child, we can have an identifying name because we are property, property that should belong to the natural parents, but by 'registry’ of live birth, where the parents identify themselves as being of slave status owned by the corporate Crown(fictional), the child becomes the property of the Corporate Crown (fictional).  Because the child does not have a matured mind, it is a vessel under construction in 'dry dock'. When the registry of live birth is performed, the Province, as an agent for the Crown, then changes the family name to a 'sur' or primary name, thus making the Crown owned legal name as intellectual property owned by the Crown.

As the child grows up, the child is taught by society and the education system to identify him or herself by that legal name (fictional), and accept the idea that they have a 'surname'.
So, what Government, as agent for the corporate Crown devised was to not give authorization for the adult man to identify him or herself by the legal name (fictional), even though they were taught to do so all their life as a child.  Thus, a man, identifying him or herself as being one and the same as the legal name (fictional), the name one finds on the birth certificate, is an act (fictional) of theft of intellectual property of another and triggers the legal maxim (requires no further proof) arising out of the property right - accessio cedit principali - an accessory attached (without authorization) to a principal becomes the property of the principal.
So, what about our given or Christian names? When we reach adulthood, we are a mind existing within a human body/vessel.  A mind is a process, and not a physical thing, and thus cannot be identified by a name, any physical attribute or a picture.

All we can have are sights or sounds that get our attention - called an appellation, or 'commonly called'. 'Appel' means 'call' in French.

So, in a court situation, it is important to speak up at the beginning and say:

"I am a living flesh and blood soul.   I am here to seek *‘remedy’.
And, as such I am here to speak for (legal name (fictional)).  I do not consent to be identified by any name.  And, since the legal system (fictional) is want to fraudulently assume that I, the free will man and undisclosed principal, am the surety and guarantor of all debts (fictional) imposed upon the legal name (fictional) (strawman (fictional) name here), I inform the court that I use the legal name (fictional), (strawman (fictional) name here) , under private necessity to sustain and maintain my life.  If you use (first name) or Mister (family name), I will respond; however those are only appellations to address me, but I do not accept them as identifying names (fictional)."

If asked your status or relationship with the accused, you say:
“(legal name (fictional)) is my agent in commerce.  Because I cannot have an identifying name as a free will living adult man, to communicate with the fiction system, thus, I am the 'undisclosed principal' and creditor and beneficiary of the trust wherein (legal name (fictional)) is my agent and trustee in trust."

The reason for emphasizing living is that the ‘registry of live birth’ expires in 7 years, and after 7 years the legal system presumes you to be ‘legally dead’, and thus just a body owned by the Crown.

Show me the law or authority upon which anyone may rely that authorizes any agent to recognize you through a legal name (fictional)? There is no such authority WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.

How is consent obtained against you by the agents? By your silence.

We are entitled to be recognized THROUGH (by means through) the legal name on the BC, but we are also entitled to say "No. I do not consent to be recognized by the name".

WHEREAS [I like that word], if you know that there is no authority, legal, lawful or otherwise, for an agent to recognize you through a legal name, and you make it clear that you do not consent to be recognized through the name, that party is in the commission of a crime if he proceeds as if he has the authority because, in fact, there is no law that authorizes any agent to recognize you as anything or any capacity without your consent.

I DO NOT CONSENT TO BE RECOGNIZED THROUGH THE LEGAL IDENTITY NAME (fictional), OR BY ANY NAME; and there is no law that authorizes you to recognize me through a name without my consent.
When you present government ID (fictional) and you do not want to be recognized through the name on it just say; I DO NOT AUTHORIZE YOU TO RECOGNIZE ME THROUGH THE NAME ON THIS ID (fictional).

Now everything we have learned over the years and in particular lately backs this I do not consent thing.  ABC is not and was never intended to be personal identification it evolved as the deputy registrar said and it evolved through our giving consent to be recognized.
Corporations (fictional) exist in an imaginary world (fictional), we do not.

The idea of there being a natural or artificial Persons (fictional) being the same as a man created male or female by God is a fraud, for a Natural Person is a person, thus a fiction with some fictional attributes

The simple foundation of PERSON (fictional) is that they want you to buy into the fact that a PERSON (fictional) is the same as a
fictional entity called a CORPORATION (fictional), and as such a Corporation (fictional) can have GOD status over us, like a Country (fictional) or Government (fictional) has.

Thus, because we can create then it is okay to say that fictional entities can create, and therein is the foundation of the Tyranny, in that we are considered to be imaginary things.

How do you know if the name is true or not? God didn‟t feel it was necessary to name man created male or female, probably because it wouldn‟t be true.  Names are descriptions, look up names in baby books and you‟ll see. How many people named Mohammed, SmithRobert, John etc. do you know? Probably quite a few.  If we are individual creations, shouldn't we have individual names, or descriptions? If God didn‟t feel it was necessary for us to have names, why are we bothering with it, considering a good amount of the planet seems to believe in God and it is supposed to be a democracy, right? So the first thing you do when you go to court is you lie by stating your name.

In fact Jesus never had a true name.  The King James
Bible makes use of all capital letters designating him as a PERSON or rather FICTION.

but they've got you signing “official” documents everywhere, saying you have to or they use force and/or intimidation on you
until you do.

Mark my words, Do not sign anything they give you, especially an appearance Bond.

They are attempting to get you to admit to being a fiction.  Names are fictions.

You are only a man created male or female by God, Names and addresses are only hearsay.

They are making use of hearsay everywhere and in everything they do, don‟t buy into it.

Thus if you receive mail at home you are receiving a benefit from the State, because under common law all mail is delivered to local Post Office where you could go and ask for it.

Then there are all those unlawful contracts such as driver‟s licenses.

In fact God created man as a male or female.  It was LORD God that created man as Adam, and as woman, Eve.

We are one with God and God is One with us.

We are not the creations of LORD God, but they will do everything they can to try and make you believe we are, and through believing we become their slaves.

The Foundations of COUNTRIES that Never Were - There are many de facto COUNTRIES, which means that there is no lawful authority between the PERSONS and the Government.

All Law is simply a contract, nothing more or less.  We either agree or disagree on everything.

Even more glaring and self-evident is that under the Law of Nations only Persons can form these Countries.  When did any of us convert from being a man, created male or female by God to a PERSON? It‟s impossible for us to do it, as only Governments create PERSONS, if they create at all.  PERSONS were created originally in Rome.

The very name on your Birth Certificate was created by your parents thoughts, so even that does not define you as a living being.

The Government has living individuals working the SYSTEM, but the Government does not exist in the real world, and nor do their Persons.  A PERSON is an imaginary entity, thus it is not possible for the imaginary to create anything, hence the lie and fraud.

The simple fact that everyone on a land mass must be persons to form a Country is kind of like putting the cart before the Horse. 

PERSONS do not exist in the realality to begin with.  PERSONS live in the imaginary lands of CANADA, USA and every other COUNTRY; we as man, created male or female by God.

It is all about tricks and illusion and suppressing the truth so the masses cannot see what is really happening.  It's about giving away your power and critical thinking to those who promise to take care of you.

Countries are imaginary entities and were not created by the Creator of this planet.

you don't have to give up Religion to be free, you just need to be aware of the true meaning of Creation.

The other aspect to this is that it makes use of the word Citizen, which is a PERSON.  You are not a Citizen.  Can you show me your citizenship within a fictional COUNTRY? Countries are just lines drawn on the map, you live on the earth, nothing more or less.

Notice too that FICTIONAL things are capitalized in this book, because that is the basis of the SYSTEM.  The System is based on creating FICTIONAL entities called PERSONS.

PERSONS are created by the GOVERNMENT and they are the property of the GOVERNMENT.

Because the GOVERNMENT created the FICTIONAL entities, the GOVERNMENT takes the role of being GOD over those FICTIONAL entities; hence the Creator and thus Ownership exist in terms of LORD God.

According to the Bible in Genesis 1, God Created man and so your creator is God, and infinite omni-present love and part of you.

However, God is not recognized as a Source of Law within this SYSTEM, the Pope as (LORD) God‟s Emissary is.

It is LORD God that made Laws, God never made any laws nor did God give man created male or female a name, God did not create fictional things.

the name Jesus Christ wasn't even used until the mid 1500's when the church settled in on the name, as there were no records kept by the Romans of Jesus Christ existence.

just realize that the Bible has been manipulated and designed to give credence of authority to those who have none.  It is not God‟s word.  I have never seen God write it or tell me about it.

if law exists in fiction and you are not a fiction, then why are you allowing yourself to be drawn into the court system to begin with, there is nothing to discuss or prove.

in that God did not create any laws to Govern you.  Govern means to control and ment comes from mental, ie latin roots and means mind, thus Govern-mental means mind control.

Now you are caught in their imaginary world, where they get to extend you privileges and deny your rights.

Nothing has been more effective in imprisoning people‟s minds than religion.

If we know the Bible and the Koran have been corrupted, then why do we use it for Oaths?

Well there is no truth in fiction, so having corrupted Bibles is not a problem.  Hence you are not being judged on the law anyways,
ultimately it is about your knowing who you are, not what the law says or doesn‟t say

We are free sentient beings and the earth is our home.  This is easy to see by how the wildlife migrates everywhere, undaunted by imaginary lines on a map.

The simple fact is that the Missionaries followed the explorers to soften up the people for exploitation.  This was an effective way to destroy the ancient knowledge of the past.  It is akin to the good cop, bad cop scenario.  The missionaries would teach about God and the gentle teachings of JESUS to get the people into a frame of mind of forgiving others for doing horrible things to them, like Genocide, Killing off of food supplies, abuse or stealing their land via starvation.

As for QUEEN ELIZABETH II, that entity lives within an imaginary world and has absolutely no authority over anyone in our reality, only over fictions.

Although the Bible is a fraud there are truths within it.

Again it is all part of the illusion and the Jewish, Christian and many other Religions have been set up to support a system of
enslavement for the people of the planet, while the ones doing the enslaving quietly operate in hidden positions of power.

Just because LORD God creates an illusion of man created man and woman, doesn't change the fact that he is using God‟s creation to do it with.  LORD God has no say at all as to laws and belief systems.  God never created laws or names because love and truth require no such things.

The mere fact that you are not a bunch of dust held together by some energy field called a soul wearing a skin, is a testament to the fact that you are not LORD God‟s creation.  It would seem LORD God simply made up the story to usurp power from God.

Flags are used on ships and hence the world is made up of imaginary ships.

A gold strip or tassels around the outside of any flag indicates that you are under Admiralty Law, a law which only extends privileges and limits your capacity severely in defending yourself in their courts.

For example, U.S. Soldiers in Iraq have a gold stripe around the US flag indicating that they are under admiralty law.

You will find gold tassel flags in every courtroom in the world, I would think.

The nature of admiralty law is that the judge can use law in any jurisdiction in order to draw a verdict.
We do not live in Countries, we live on the earth. The "world" is made up in the imagination and is overlaid on the earth, but you will never find any legislation anywhere saying that a Country is on the earth.  It exists only on maps and in the mind.  Countries are conceptual things of fiction, thus by their very nature are not Credible and thus bankrupt.  That is what is going on.  Everything in the "world" not earth, is wrapped in hearsay.  This is why everything is given a name.  If it does not have a name it is not hearsay.  That is why they need you to identify yourself as being a name, thus hearsay and they act on it.  A person has two components, a name and a Birth Date.

america exists in the world, but america does not exist on the earth.

LORD God had Adam name everything around him.  By creating a fictional world LORD God was allowed to enslave Adam.  Of course LORD God was not God at all, but was the essence of that dark energy.

Thus the game is to get us to confess through tricks and extortion if needed, to confess we are a fiction a name they have created in their own private world.

Thus by outright fraud they get us to pay for the debt on these Countries in their imaginary world, with our labour.

Because all law resides within fiction, they are free to obey or disobey these laws as they see fit.

God created the earth and gave all of man dominion over it.  God never gave man or woman a name because God does not create fiction.

names are fictions.

In the Beginning there was only God.  What is God? God is infinite Love.  Thus everything is wrapped in fear to create an illusion of separateness.  We are God like because we are created after the likeness of God.  The Bible specifies God's Word as, "and God said..." in Genesis Chapter 1. Everything outside of Genesis Chapter 1 makes use of other Gods.  They qualify it as a different God by putting describing the God, LORD God, The One True God, Almighty God etc.  This is meant to trick you into falling for the fiction.  God is simply God, nothing else.
In order to create this pretence, they have hijacked the word 'PERSON'. And then they have created Statutes which regulate what a PERSON can do (and can't do).  You assume you are a person - and in common parlance you are, of course - but in legal-speak a PERSON is considered to be a 'single-individual CORPORATION'. To which Company Law - not just Common Law - can be applied.
Heresay is not admissible in any court of law.
 1.   What is your NAME?

Everybody lies about all Three.   This is their control over you.    THE NAME.              
1. Your mom told you your given name.    
2. When were you Born.  DOUBLE TRICK.  YOU WERE TO YOUNG TO REMEMBER & You have a birthday not a D.O.B.   [HERESAY]  
3.  What is your ADDRESS?= [where do you operate your business or corporation]  another trick.   Where you live is only one answer.
STOP THE LIES.    If you say 1234 Home St.  then how can you be here and still be alive??????   YOU LIVE IN YOUR BODY.  Tell me I am wrong.  PROVE IT.  WHEN YOU GET PULLED OVER GIVE COP YOUR LICENSE.  He says is this you. Don't be STUPID AND SAY YES.  THAT IS WHY YOUR IN COURT.    He asked if you are a License.  ARE YOU A PIECE OF PLASTIC?  IS THIS  PICTURE YOU. NO, NO, NO IT IS AN IMAGE OF YOU.  Are you a picture or a man?  NEXT:  ARE YOU A NAME?   OR DO YOU ((((GO BY)))) A  GIVEN NAME?   Your license is not you, you do not have a D.O.B

YOUR NAME IS NOT SPELLED IN ALL CAPS.  John: Doe is a man John of the family Doe   but, JOHN DOE IS A CORPORATION.  A corporation has a last name.  THAT LICENSE IS YOUR COPORATIONS NAME.  You have a corporation or a trust. you are not a corporation. Stop saying you are.
a pasport is for persons not people
Britain has been bankrupt since 1931
Hallesbury's Book on English Law.  Administrative Courts have NO legal or Lawful jurisdiction in the UK.  This is confirmed within HM Queens oath at her Coronation.
"What relation are you to MrXXXX?"
"I'm his twin brother, only a lot heavier.  Although I've never actually weighed my Birth Certificate..."
To gain any understanding the NATURE of ANYTHING, first one must study the NAME because everything is in the name and the name is EVERYTHING.
We’re ‘dead’ legal fiction
When you get a court summons (or perhaps a bill for payment), your name is always in capital letters (JOHN DOE). Like on tombstones, the caps signify ‘death’ — they are writing to the ‘dead’ legal fiction version of you.
 It was considered in the civil or Roman law, that although man and person are synonymous in grammar, they had a different acceptation in law; all persons were men, but all men, were not persons.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.  To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.  That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality."

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