Sunday, October 16, 2022


Let's get one thing clear here, when you sign that credit agreement it's yours, not theirs, in reality, you should always get the top copy of any agreement the bit with your wet ink signature on, instead, you get the copy WHY? here is where the fraud comes into it, they get the top copy so they can sell it on, what you have just signed is what's called a unilateral contract meaning you are the only one liable for it, Now under contract Law in order for a contract /agreement to be valid in Law, it must be witnessed by the representative of who is supplying the credit, with their wet in signature, and it must be done in front of you, and they don't, instead, they leave it open, it's left open for a reason so they can sell it on breaching any contract /agreement, you can request to see that agreement because it's yours, all that nonsense that you must send a £1 before they let you see it is Bull, it's your credit agreement because your signature created it, knowing where you stand in law and letting them know you know is how you don't get ripped off.

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