Thursday, September 29, 2022


The CROWN of LONDON is an 800 year old corporation that controls finance and philosophy for an entity called the CROWN.

This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of ENGLAND and the US FEDERAL RESERVE, they control the world Bank the IMF and associated cartels.

The crown identity is kept most secret!!

The crown has never been the King or Queen of ENGLAND since the establishment of this corporate body the crown is the directorate of the corporation.

The island of BRITAIN is a financial oligarchy run by the crown which refers to the “City of London” NOT the Queen. The City )Located in the heart of Greater London) is a sovereign state.

It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William 3rd of Orange privatised and turned the bank of ENGLAND over to bankers.
The City houses the bank of ENGLAND, Lloyds of LONDON, the London stock exchange, ALL BRITISH Banks and 70 US Banks as well as Fleet street`s NEWSPAPER and PUBLISHING Manopolies.

The City is not subject to British Law, it has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag and its own police force, separate from the metropolitan.

The City of London has its own Lord Mayor; there is a council or 12 members who rule the corporation under the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his 12 member council serve as proxies or representatives of the crown.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City she is met by the Lord Mayor at the Temple Bar where she requests permission to enter this private sovereign state.

She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the mayor, her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniform. The queen bows to the mayor only in the City, outside of the City of London he bows to her, the City of London is the ONLY part of Britain over which parliament has NO authority.

In one respect at least the corporation acts as the superior body; it emposes on the house of Commons a figure called the REMEMBERANCER…… The remembrancer is an official lobbyist who sits behind the speaker`s chair and ensures that, whatever our elected representatives might think, the Cit`s rights and privileges are protected.
The British Empire was an extension of bankers financial interests all the colonies were “CROWN” colonies. They belong to the City and were not subject to British Law.
All the crown colonies were established on a corporate model with financial ties to the City of London – NOT the Nation of England or Britain. The island of Britain is a crown colony, the City of London is NOT.
The directorate of the crown whoever they are, have no loyalty to any nation- they were and are devoted entirely to their philosophy which seeks absolute power over an earthly realm, for more than 250 years the servants of the crown brought untold wealth back from the colonies to the British isles… for the crown/ CITY

The population of the United Kingdom (English Scottish, Ireland, Welsh peoples) received very little wealth even though they provided the tax base and cannon fodder. The people were invaluable assets of the crown, but they knew not what they served…… and still don’t. (none are more hopelessly slaved than those who believe they are FREE)

Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could be referring to the US, Canada and Australia when he writes “ENGLAND, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the NEEDS of the CROWN”

If one wants to know the genuine motives for particular actions in history they are told to “Follow the Money” but that is only half of it, - one must also follow the philosophy – the religious beliefs of those in control….

For purpose of clarity let the crown always refer to a stealthy circle of power brokers who all believe in the Masonic philosophy……. The brotherhood of man ruled by philosopher kings (for adepts) in league with the GOD of masonry.

Ordinary members of masonic lodges are these “adepts” and their goals what the people of the Western Civilisations are the directors of the crown, useless fools!! The secretive cabal is represented by the dominant political economic and cultural institutions across the world, Western society has been subverted, democracy is a form of social control, and the mass media and education are forms of indoctrination

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