Monday, July 29, 2019

Sir William Blackstone of Blackstone’s Law Dictionary, with his many teachings on common law

Sir William Blackstone of Blackstone’s Law Dictionary, with his many teachings on common law lays the lawful foundation of the Constitutional Republic and American justice.  Both America and the Dominion of Canada were founded under common law jurisdiction and the unalienable rights and freedoms enjoyed by our forefathers.  The right to life, liberty and property, for instance, are lawful claims not legal privileges – the right to justice not sympathy.  Legal privileges and sympathy sway with the wind and times, whereas unalienable rights supersede convention and legalityLawful Government must uphold and protect the unalienable rights of its born or naturalized citizens.  However, there is a second status of "person" or "individual" with which many people are unfamiliar.  This legal or fictional "person" can also be described as similar to the straw man, as in the "persona" born without a brain in the movie Wizard of Oz.  This also describes the persona of a Corporation – a legal fiction without a brain, except that is, for "its" articles of incorporation that define "its" character and legal capacity.  Due to the fact, a Corporate entity has no life of "its" own, and that "it" serves only itself, "it" must derive "its" life from sources external to "itself" which is why Corporate entities often become such liabilities to both the individual and community within which they function.  Unlike a natural person with autonomous volition, an entity or legal fiction not only doesn’t have a brain, but also lacks the ability to act morally.  Indeed, Corporations often violate human rights codes outlawing slavery by classifying natural persons as resources whom they include in the sale of the Corporation or entity as "intellectual property" or "good will."  A straw man, legal fiction or entity could be likened to the image of yourself when you look into a mirror.  The image looks like or has the "color" of you as in the "color of law," and even moves like you - but "it" is not the real, flesh and blood, you.  However, within the legal scheme of things, you "volunteer" to become this image, fiction or entity through an involuntary or voluntary act of legal joinder every time you file a domestic income tax return or apply for a driver license (invisible contracts).  This license is issued not to you, but to the entity.

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