Sunday, July 28, 2019

America has been attacked and occupied by Corporate or pirate ships of war

Through obfuscation and trickery America has been attacked and occupied by Corporate or pirate ships of war, which are the privately owned Federal Reserve and the IRS.  Under Admiralty jurisdiction, commercial pirates have kidnapped and commandeered the American people into servitude.  In fact, American’s today enjoy a legal status no different from that of the Amistad Africans had they been found by the United States Supreme Court to be slaves or items of cargo owned by Spain and/or Spain’s representatives.  Under terms used to facilitate slavery i.e., cargo, inventory etc., both Americans and Canadians now fall under these definitions i.e., as articles of commerce under Admiralty law and the UCC (Universal Commercial Code).  America and Canada have been surreptitiously hijacked by pirates under "color of law."  It should be emphasized; piracy and kidnapping are crimes under most lawful jurisdictions.  In law, today’s Admiralty courts are accessories to piracy.

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