Wednesday, November 9, 2022

God or Fiction

You appear to be, by and through: A likeness, a graven image "Canadian-(Fictional)", "American-(Fictional)", "African-(Fictional)",  "British-(Fictional)" "Australian-(Fictional)" etc.  All these are not real, they are masks.  You are a Man or Woman.  You are either "Of" God or "Of" "Canada-(Fictional)", "America-(Fictional)", "African-(Fictional)", "Britain-(Fictional)" "Australia-(Fictional)" etc.  I am sorry to burst your bubble, but "Canadian" "American" "African", "Britain" etc, does not exist, they are illusions or figments of your imagination, they are what you call, fictions of law.  If you claim to be one of these, then you have broken the law.  You are "OF" God or you are "OF" a fiction, know thyself.  Why do you claim to be these things, when your not?

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