Friday, March 23, 2018

Privateering in Action, Evidencing Scandal pt 2


While the masses believe these evictions are over property, the reality is that they are over your estate., The property is a tool to keep our awareness of the system valuating our energy/labor by their method of hypothecation where bonds are traded on allcommercial or legal issues, diverted into belief that its only about the houses.  The estate, is youyour heirstheir heirstheir heirs, etc...all descendents.  When the estate is seized, this creates a hypothecated-human being, called commercial paper, from this point in time, that human is negotiated by court process, as negotiable instruments, stemming from the Negotiable Instruments Act, and now known as Uniform Commercial Code...this, is human trafficking.  This, is promoting prostitution, as the CUSIP numberis based on debentureor debt secured by your own earning power(prostitution).

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