Monday, July 9, 2018


This page has been posted as an introductory page for the National ID Card.  A more comprehensive page is begin prepared and should be ready soon.  Until such time, this should make you think about the dangers of having a National ID Card: 

Question: What is wrong with a National ID Card? 
Answer: Nothing, as long as you don't mind being a slave for the rest of your life. 

Question: How does a National ID Card make me a slave?
Answer: The Card 'identifies' you as the property of the government. 

Question: What is the definition of Identify and/or Identity? Answer: The definition of Identify and/or Identity means 'the same as'. 

Question: How can a National ID Card make me the property of the government? 
Answer: The ID Card is only for legal entities, and therefore the Card 'identifies' you to be 'the same as' the legal entity (artificial person) which exists on the Card. 

Question: Who has legal title to the ID Card? 
Answer: The government has legal title to the ID Card (they created it), and therefore has legal title to the legal entity (artificial person) created thereon.  The holder of the ID Card may have equitable title (to use) the Card. 

Question: What happens when I agree to have a National ID Card? Answer: By agreeing to be identified by the Card, you have just agreed (by contract) to be 'the same as' the legal entity which was created by the government.  In other words, you have agreed, by contract, to be owned by the government (because they own the entity and now you have agreed to be the same as the entity, so they own you). 

Question: Can I terminate the contract if I already have a National ID Card? 
Answer: No.  According to contract law, unless written otherwise into the contract, the contract will only be terminated when both parties to the contract agree to termination.  Although you may wish to terminate the contract, the government will never agree to do so.  You are their slave for life, and your property (children, estate, etc.)  becomes their property in perpetuity (forever).

Question: Who can identify me? 
Answer: You, your God (if he shows up), and possibly your parents (provided babies were not swapped).  Practically speaking, only YOU can identify you for sure, nobody else.  You have to self-identify, viz: "I am the same as I am, I am I and nobody else." 

Question: How can a government tell me who I am? 
Answer: The government cannot tell you who you are, but if you agree to be the same as their entity, now they can tell you who you are and make you their slave. 

Solution: Know who you are, and don't let anybody else tell you who you are.  Whatever you do, DO NOT agree to have a National ID Card if you wish to remain free.  

A slave once said "Oh master, please tell me who I am."